
Buddha life

➣Events of Buddha life

➣Noble Truths

➣Eight- Fold path

Three Jewels

➣ Cause of spread 

➣Cause of Origin 

➣Buddhist councils


➣ Mahayana

➣ Mahayana Literature

➣Hinayana Literature



➣ Cause of Decline

Buddha Life

1. Founded by Gautam Budha originally known as "Siddhartha".

2. Born at Lumbini (Nepal) in 563 B.C.E.

3. He belonged to a republican tribe says of Kapilvastu.

4. Family 👪 /Some Important people in his life.

Father  = Sudhodhan

 Mother = Mahamaya 

Wife = Yashodhara

 Son = Rahul

 Foster mother = Vaishali    (Stepmother/Masi)

Yasa = The Rich youth 

Kassapa or Kassapa = His most learned disciple

Upali = The barber

Cousin = Devadutta    (Alarkalam of Vaishali 

Ananda = Favorite disciple 

Channa = Charioteer 

Kanthka = Horse

5. He was also known as Sakyamuni.

6. He renounced the world (Mahabhinishkarmana) at the age of 29 after witnessing four sciences old, sick men, Dead and ascetic.

7. Attained Nirvana at 35year of age At Bodhgaya under a Banyan tree ( peepal) on the bank of Niranjan(Phalguna) river on the 49 days of meditation.

8. He delivered his first sermon (Dharma chakra privartana ) at Sarnath and died at the age of 80 years in 483B.C.E. at Kushinagar in U.P.


Lumbini, The Birthplace of the Lord Buddha( UNESCO World Heritage Site1997)

Country = Nepal

Province = Lumbini Pradesh 

District = Rupandehi

Time zone = UTC+05:45(NST)

Postal Code = 32914



                                                                story narration by monks


Peepal tree in Mahabodhi Vihar complex, The Lord Buddha attained enlightenment (UNESCO World Heritage Site 2002 )

County India 🇮🇳 

District = Gaya 

Time zone = UTC +5:30(IST)

Postal Code = 824231

State = Bihar


Buddha delivering his first sermon in the deer park at Sarnath.

CountyIndia 🇮🇳 

State = Uttar Pradesh

District = Varanasi 

Time zone = UTC +5:30(IST)


 Kushinagar, The Lord Buddha attained Mahaparinirmana after his death. 

CountyIndia 🇮🇳 

State = Uttar Pradesh

District = Kushinagar

Time zone = UTC +5:30(IST)

Five events of Buddha Life and their symbols.

1. Birth - Lotus and Bull(Elephant 

2. Great Renunciation - Horse

3. Nirvana- Bodhi tree

4. First Sermon - Dharma chakra-8 spoke wheel

5. Parinirvana of Death -Stupa

Four Noble Truths (Arya stay)

1. The World is full of sorrows.

2.  The cause of sorrows is Desire.

3.  If desires are conquered all sorrows can be removed.

4.  The only way this can be done is by following the eightfold path.

At Sarnath

Eight-Fold path (Ashtangikmarga)

1. Right understanding

2. Right thought

3. Right speech

4. Right Action

5. Right Livelihood

6. Right Effort

7. Right Mindfulness

8. Right Concentration

The Three Jewels (Triratnana)

1. Buddha (The Enlightened )

2. Dharma(Doctrine)

3. Sangha(Order)

 Causes of SPREAD of  Buddhism

Gautam Buddha, we're magnetic personalities who could profoundly influence anybody they came into contact with.

∆  Buddhism use the Pali languages of the common people which helped in their spread.

∆   Buddhism did not indulge in metaphysical discussion and suggested a simple and practical way of living.

∆  They were patronised by the various kingdom, Mauryas patronised Buddhism.

∆  They did not attach much importance to the existing varna system and hence appealed to the lower classes.

∆  Admission of women to be sangha swelled the ranks of Buddhism.

Courses of Origin of Buddhism 

➣ New agricultural economy in North-Eastern India 🇮🇳

 Vedic practice of killing cattle indiscriminately sacrifices hampered the progress of the new agriculture.

The use of coins 🪙  in newly formed cities facilitated trade and commerce, which added to the importance of the Vaishyas

The new form of property created sharp social inequalities and caused misery and suffering to the mass of ordinary people.

The Kshatriya reaction against domination of Brahmans, who claimed various privileges.

➣Gautam Buddha, who founded Buddhism belonged to the Kshatriya clan

Buddhist councils

First council

Held immediately after the death of the buddha in Rajgriha under the patronage of Ajatshatru (Haryanka).

Chairman of the council was Mahakassapa.

Ananda composed Suttapitaka containing the Buddha's sayings and Upali composed Vinaya Pitaka containing the monastic codes of Buddhism.

Second Council:

 Held in 383B.C.E at Vaishali Under the patronage of kalasoka (shishunaga)

 Chairman of the council was a Sabakami.

➣ Division of Buddhist sangha into Sthaviravadin or Theravadins and the Unorthodox Mahassanghikas.

Third Council:

Held in 250B.C.E at Patliputra under the patronage of Ashoka (Maurya).

Chairmanship of the council was Mogliputta Tissa(Upgupata)

Establishment of sthaviravadins as true followers and Abhidhamma Pitaka was composed.

Fourth council

Held in 1st century AD. Under the patronage of Kanishka (Kushan).

➣Chairman of the council was Vasumitra.

Resulted in the division of Buddhism into two main sects- Hinayana & Mahayana.

The deliberation of councils was in Sanskrit instead of Prakrit.

spread of Buddhism to other Asian countries -Mahayanism in Central Asia, chains and Japan, and                      Hinyanism in Ceylon and Burma, Thailand, and parts of southeast Asia.


➣The Hinayana held firm to the teaching of Buddha.

Hanayana scriptures are mainly in pali and are founded on Tripitaka.

Hinayan believes in salvation by works, which teaches man must work out his salvation.

➣ Hinayana is centered around the acts of Buddha.

Hinayana ideas are the Arhat who strives after his redemption.

 Hinayana means the lesser vehicle.


➣ Mahayana held firm in the essence of Buddha's teachings.

➣ Mahayana scriptures written in Sanskrit are the sutras.

Mahayana is centered around the symbolism of Buddha's Life and Personality.

➣ Mahayana held that over and above the law of karuna and compassion.

 ➣ Mahayana upholds the ideal of a bodhisattva or the savior who is concerned with the salvation of others.

➣ Mahayana means the greater vehicle.

Hinayana Literature

📖 The religious literature of Hinanyana consists of Pali canonical texts, several semi-canonical works, and Ceylonese chronicles.

1. The Pali canonical texts are Tripitaka's. The largest and most important of the three is suttapitaka which consist of five Nikayas(Groups) viz. Digha Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya, Angutur Nikayaa, Samyukta Nikaya and Khuddaka Nikaya.*Khuddakanikaya   consist of, among other the jataks and the Dammapada.

2. Among the semi canonical work the most important is Milindopanho, on account of the discussion between Indo-Greek king Manender and Buddhist monk Ngasena.

3. Ceylonese chronicles are the dipavamsa (Island chronicles) Mahavamsa (Great Chronical ),and culavamsa(Lesser chronicles) 


Divided into two chief philosophical school, called Madhyamika(middle) and The Yogachara(way of union)

Nagarjuna 1st cen .AD. Founder of Madhyamika karika and Madhyamika Philosophy (shunyavada)

Yogachara school also known as Vijananvada(doctrine of consciousness)was founded by Maitreyanatha.

It completely rejected the realism of Hinayana and adopted Idealism.

Propagated by, Asanga Vasubandhu.

Mahayanists have their own version of tripitaka in Sanskrit, called Vaipulya sutra.

Most important sutra was sadharmapundarika.

Other Scriptures include, Lalitavistara, Vajrachedika, Sukhavativyuha.


Salvation could be attained by use of magical powers, which the called Vajra(thunderbolt)

Chief divinities of the new sect were the Taras( Wives of Buddha and Bodhisatva)

Impact of Buddhism:

1. Replacement of Dogmatism and Faith with logic and Reason.

2. Promotion of trade and commerce.

3. Concept of ashimsa was its chief contribution. Ahimsa boosted the cattle wealth of the country.

4. Improvement of the condition of women and other downtrodden sections.

5. Promotion of pali and many other local languages.

6. Promotion of education through residential Universities like those at Takshashila, Nagarjunakonda, Nalanda and Vikaramshila.

7. Buddhist architecture developed in three forms:- stupa, Chaitya, and Vihara.

🔴 Stupa is a domical structure in which relics of Buddha or some other prominent Buddhist monks are preserved.

🔴 Chaitya is a temple or shrine with a prayer hall.

chaitya Ajanta cave

 🔴 Vihara is a Monastery or residence of monks.
Nalanda Mahavihara


Buddhism eventually succumbed to the very rituals of ceremonies it originally denounced.

 Inspired by Buddhism and Jainism there was reform of Brahmanism and there was rise of Bhagavatism.

Buddhist gave up the use of Pali and took up the Sanskrit in the 1st cenchury AD.

 From 1st cen. AD. Buddhist stated practicing Idol-worshiping and receiving offerings and huge donations, leading to the determination of modern standards.

Attacks of Huna's such as Mihirkula, and the Turkish Invaders such as Bakhtiyar Khilji.

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