Jainism, Jainism founder, Jainism beliefs,Jainism facts,Jainism UPSC, Jainism beliefs and practices, impact







6. PATH 




The followers of jin (conqueror of mind, speech, body) are called 'Jains'.

⚛  First Tirthankara -  Rishabhdev

⚛  24th Tirthankara - Mahavir Swami: brought it to climax.

⚛  Vardhaman, who later became Mahabir or Jina was born in 540BCE. At Kundligram   near Vaishali   (Bihar)

⚛  His Father Siddhartha was head of a Kshatriya clan called Janatrika, and his mother Trishla was the sister of Chetka, Lichhavi princes of Vaishali.

⚛  Mahavir was married to Yashoda, had a daughter Priydarshni.

⚛  Renounced family at age of 30, for Year he was a member of an order founded by Parsavnath.

⚛  spent six year wandering with Gosala Maskariputra(Founded Ajvika) 

  Attained Kaivalya under sal tree, at Trimbhikagrama at the age of 42.

⚛  Died at the age of 72 in 486BCE. Pavapuri near Rajgrih.

⚛  Become head of a sect called Nirgranthas, Later came to be known as Jainas.

⚛  Mahavir was the 24th Tirthankar, Parsavnath (son of Kashi Asvasena)
  was 23rd Trithankar and Rishabhdev (Rigved) was the 1st Trithankar.


⚛  Jainism is an ancient religion that is rooted in the philosophy that teaches the way to liberation   and a path to spiritual purity and enlightenment through disciplined nonviolence to all living   creatures.

⚛  Jainism came into prominence in the 6th century B.C.E, when Lord Mahavira propagated the religion.

⚛  There were 24 great teachers, the last of whom was Lord Mahavira.

 ⚛  These twenty - four teachers were called Tirthankaras- people who had attained all knowledge (Moksha) while living and preached it to the people.

 Major sects 

    ⚛  Shvetambara

    ⚛  Digambara


shvetambara community  

  ⚛  Shvetambara means 'white-clad', and refers to its ascetics practice of wearing white clothes.

  ⚛  Less strict adherence to religious beliefs.

  ⚛  Great exponent- sthulabhadra.



  ⚛  The Sanskrit word Digambara means 'Sky-clad', referring to their traditional monastic practice of neither possessing nor wearing any clothes.

  ⚛   Monks of the Digambara sect do not wear clothes.

  ⚛   Female monks wear unstitched plain white sarees and are called Aryikas.

  ⚛   Strict adherence to the teachings of religion.

  ⚛  Great exponent -Bhadrabahu.


     ⚛      ANEKANTAVADA

     ⚛   SYADWAD



  ⚛  It is the fundamental doctrine of Jainism.

  ⚛  It emphasizes that the ultimate truth and reality are complex and have multiple aspects.

  ⚛  Hence, there exists non-absolutism, which means no single, specific statement can describe the nature of existence and the absolute truth.


⚛  According to this doctrine, all Judgments are conditional, holding his only in certain conditions,     circumstances, or senses, expressed by the word syat ("maybe ").

⚛ The ways of looking at a thing (called Naya) are infinite in number.


  ⚛   Right belief

  ⚛   Right Knowledge

  ⚛   Right conduct 

Five Vows

      ⚛   Ahimsa (non-violence)

      ⚛   Satya (Truthfulness)

      ⚛  Asteya (Not stealing)

      ⚛   Aparigraha (Non-acquisition)

      ⚛  Brahmacharya (chaste- living)

 The Fifth tenet was profoundly Mahavira. 


Causes of SPREAD of Jainism 

⚛ Vardhaman Mahavira, we're magnetic personalities who could profoundly influence anybody they came into contact with.

 Jainism use the Prakrit, languages of the common people which helped in their spread.

 They were patronized by the various kingdom, Nandas patronized Jainism.

The Great Mauryan king Chandra Gupta Maurya, during his last year's become a main and promoted Jainism in Karnataka.

Famine in Magadha led to the spread in south India.

⚛ The famine lasted for 12 years, and to protect themselves, many Jains want to south India under the leadership of Bhadrabahu.

⚛  In Odisha, it enjoys the patronage of Kalinga king of Kharavela.

⚛  They did not attach much importance to the existing varna system and hence appealed to the lower classes.

⚛ Mahavira followed a liberal towards women.

Jainism did not very clearly mark itself out from Hinduism,  therefore it spread gradually into the west and south India where Brahmanical order was a week. 

Causes of Origin of Jainism 

⚛  New agricultural economy in North-Eastern India 🇮🇳.

⚛  Vedic practice of killing cattle indiscriminately sacrifices hampered the progress of the new agriculture.

⚛ The use of coins 🪙  in newly formed cities facilitated trade and commerce, which added to the importance of the Vaishyas.

⚛ The new form of property created sharp social inequalities and caused misery and suffering to the mass of ordinary people.

⚛ The Kshatriya reaction against domination of Brahmans, who claimed various privileges.

⚛ Vardhman Mahavira, who founded Jainism belonged to the Kshatriya clan.

source:- Google 

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